Tham Suwan Kuha {ถ้ำสุวรรณคูหา}.
: Located in the Wat Tham Suwan, Housing Development booths, among which 7. Inside the cave with antiques and the form of "Phra chao Chaiya Chattha" (city of Vientiane), were stored inside the cave. Getting the Highway 210, call Nong Bua Lam Phu - Saphung. Then turn right to Highway 2097.
Phu Pha Ya Archaeological {แหล่งโบราณคดีภูผายา}.
: The limestone mountains, which separated from the Phu Phan mountains. A painting from prehistoric times, appeared in the walls of the cave is several. The first area, the cave bottom ", found the paintings in red on the wall of the cave plane approximately 5 m, consists of patterned geometric, floral designs, and pictures palm the second part is the" Cave on ", paintings red spread. in the groups. The obvious visual rhombus, portrait, pictures of reptiles, and animals larger image layout. Assumed that the mountain cave paintings drugs between 2000-3000 years old. There is also a Bureau which is respected by the villagers is located. Trip to the archaeological mountain medicine, the highway. 210 (from the city. Using the route. Nong Bua Lam Phu - Saphung).